Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 2 Week 3

2 Mile run.
HAlf way through drinking water, Only short amount of time to stretch, as I was making lunches, breakfasts, warming the car, and getting four boys ready.
Freezing cold, long soak in hot bath! Now my muscles feel happy.

I decided that since I am doing a five week training program for the 5K I should do a 5K in five weeks. Otherwise I might keep putting the training off, like I seemed to have done for the last 2 weeks. So, lets see if there is a race May 2nd.

OK Here it is.
05/02/09 The IT5K for Autism 5K Lake Harriet, Minneapolis MN Corey Donovan 952-653-1731 952-653-1701 http://www.autism5k.org info@autism5k.org An event for competitive and casual racers alike, the IT5K run/walk will support families affected by autism and is sponsored by the IT community. Artwork for the 5K to be designed by Mary GrandPre', illustrator of all seven Harry Potter book covers! For serious runners we offer an official course around the Lake Harriet parkway, plus timing and prizes for each age group and the overall winner. This race will be a great tuneup for all the longer spring and early summer events. For casual runners we invite you to run, jog or walk on your own or with a group and you'll be eligible for a number of door prizes too! Get some exercise in a great atmosphere for a terrific cause!

Since I have to pay for the race, I decided I better choose a cause I care about.

5-Week 5k Training Schedule

Week 1:

Monday - Run/Walk 15 minutes, Tuesday - Run/Walk 2 miles, Wednesday - Off, Thursday - Run/Walk 15 minutes, Friday - Off, Saturday - Run/Walk 25 minutes, Sunday - Off

Week 2:

Monday - Run 20 minutes, Tuesday - Run/Walk 2 miles, Wednesday - Off, Thursday - Run/Walk 20 minutes, Friday - Off, Saturday - Run/Walk 35 minutes, Sunday - Off

Week 3:

Monday - Run 25 minutes, Tuesday - Run/Walk 2 miles, Wednesday - Off, Thursday - Run/Walk 25 minutes, Friday - Off, Saturday - Run 30 minutes, Sunday - Off

Week 4:

Monday - Run 25 minutes, Tuesday - Run 2 miles, Wednesday - Off, Thursday - Run 30 minutes, Friday - Off, Saturday - Run 45 minutes, Sunday - Off

Week 5:

Monday - Run 20 minutes, Tuesday - Run 20 minutes, Wednesday - Off, Thursday – Run/Walk 15 minutes, Friday - Off, Saturday – May 2nd-Race Day!!!, Sunday – Off


  1. GOOD LUCK, ERIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you do great!!


  2. GOOD Choice! Since I work in special ed I work with alot of Autistic kids, they are so special. I am glad you choose to support this marathon since some of us are not runners and cannot be there.
    Good Luck!
