Saturday, October 16, 2010

Month 2

I am so excited about this one!!!! I can't wait to start. But first- How did month 1 go? We rocked it! I love the scriptures. Ever since my big discovery that prayers aren't always answered by flipping open pages, I have been doing so much better! Most of the rest of the month I could have been found studying the saviors life and teachings in the New Testament. I love him more now than I did last month. I didn't really know that was possible. Any way- I think I will continue studying his life and teachings- it can't hurt to continue to know him better right?
For Month 2 I will be starting (drum roll) the New Personal Progress Manual. I am going to go for the virtue bee. Any way- I am so excited. I will let you know how it goes- by the way, did you know it is on the internet now?
Yep there yah go.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I love this experiment!

My daily study has gone wonderfully. I have seen much fruition from it already. I am not sure if this would have happened any way, but I will chalk it up to the old adage "happy wife, happy life". I started studying daily. at some point- maybe a week later Hubbin decided that we needed to raise the bar on our family scripture study. We had been studying from the little scripture readers put out by the church. Hubbin decided that we should go back to the Book of Mormon. He came up with an idea that if we made a chart and finished the Book of Mormon in 1 year, we could do a "scripture fun day". Last week #3 decided that if we read every morning and every night we could get done faster. We put it to a vote, after much discussion during family council, and decided that it would be a good idea. So, on Tuesday morning we started. Our boys get up joyfully eat breakfast and listen to scriptures. Every night before bed we read again. A few weeks ago I spoke with Hubbins sister. Her hubbin is a stake president. She sits with her kids every week alone, she has 5. I asked her how it was. She said great! She just implemented a new motivator. She told me all about it. It has 4 rules. Legs stay quiet, hands stay quiet, mouths stay closed, and you have to be happy. Her kids get 1 warning and 3 chances. 3 scoops of ice cream hang on the balance. With each chance lost, they loose a scoop of ice cream. Great idea right? So Hubbin and I decided we should try it. With m&ms. It is so great!! I love it. the kids are soooooo goood! They love it. No loss of spirit by yelling at kiddos to sit down and be reverent. Win win! I know my personal scripture study has increased the spirit in my home. I have the spirits constant reminder to "Nurture like the savior". Thanks Again Heavenly Father! Oh by the way- I figured out what to do for my October goal- I am excited~