Today was my long run. 25 minutes. It felt good. I ran to the temple and around it, then stretched on the lawn and walked home. It felt good to start conference morning with the calm of the temple. The birds sang all the way home!
I bought running shoes today. Just in time! the old ones were starting to break down. I got a super good deal on them, thanks to my friends recomendation to a store in town!
By the way-I got sized for the first time since I was a little kid. I can't believe it but I am a 12.5 in womens! They suggest buying a half-size bigger for running. So, I bought a size 13-D D meaning wide width! I am not kidding these things look like boats! I remember when I was younger and my feet passed my moms size of foot. My Dad joked with me that he would just let me use his snow shoes, another time he suggested I just wear the shoe boxes, and once he joked about me wearing a pair of canoes! Tonight when I got home with my new ultra comfortable shoes, Gabriel put them on. He honestly looked like he was walking around with snow shoes on. Brought back memories and I had to laugh! It is funny, I have had these feet my whole life ;) and this size of feet for at least 10 years, yet when I where these new shoes, that actually fit I kind of feel like I am wearing clown shoes. I just can't get over how big they make my feet look. But-no more toe blisters for me! Before today I was wearing a size 11!
Yeah for new shoes! even if I do look like a clown!
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