Monday, October 24, 2016

The nature of puppies

I heard a story yesterday from a book called Daily Reflections, in my AA meeting. The man in the story described how he never had a relationship with God, because he was afraid of him. But, then he heard his friend tell a story about his childhood that changed his mind. His friend was given charge of several puppies as a young boy. The puppies were sweet and playful, but every morning when his friend woke up, there were tokens of puppies all over the floor. All though frustrated, the boy could never get angry with the puppies, because that was after all, just the nature of puppies. Together they decided that our loving Heavenly Father probably views us with equal love, beacuase that is the nature of human.

I am grateful for this story. As a parent, I know how much love and tenderness I feel for my children. I am inspired to think that our Father in Heaven feels the same for me!

This story was helpfull this week especially. I always feel some form of trepidation when it comes to my weigh ins, which happen on the 27th of each month. Some how, head games become stronger. Fear doubt and insecurities arise, and I just feel plain crummy. After talking this through with my sponsor, she encouraged me to write a list corresponding with the alphabet of all of the things on my body that I am grateful for. So, endulge with me in this little game, for I am truely in awe of Gods creation.

A- Long arms, great for hugging and carrying groceries

B-Bones that keep me upright

C-my high indian cheekbones

D- diaphram that keeps me breathing

E- my eyes, expressive and warm

F- fingers, long and graceful

G- gluteous maximus- great for sitting on

H- Hip bones, effective in child birth

I- intestines, keeping the plumming running smoothly

J-Jaw- strong and defined

K- Knee- Keeping me running and jumping for the last 33 years!

L- Legs, Long and perfect for basketball

M-Mammary Glands- for feeding my babies

N-Nose- for smelling the roses and the diapers that need changing

O-Ovaries, thanks for all of those eggs!

P- Pancrease, keep that insulin coming baby

Q-quadratus lumborum muscle- thanks for holding me up and helping me digest

R-Retina, 20-20 vision way to focus!

S-Spine- always posturing , holds me up and protect my spinal chord

T- Teeth- Just keep chewing, and stronger without sugar!

U-Uvula- All these years, protecting my wind pipe from food and drink.

V- Veins- carry nutrients and oxygen throughout my body, generational record for gallons donated

W- Womb- Thank you for growing so many healthy babies

X- Xiphoid Process, Keep holding on, your needed.  I support you.

Y-Yellow Marrow- Thanks for the Red blood cells, platelets, and most white blood cells arise in red marrow.

Z-Zygote- Thanks for a great beginning.

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