so I never knew that three cups of salad was a serving size did you?
So have you ever eaten 3 c. salad-it is almost as large as a medium sized mixing bowl.
This is one of my favorite things to eat because it is so much food!
The salad in this picture has
3 cups lettuce
1/2 c kidney beans
1 carrot
3/4 c mandarin oranges
2tbs raisins
1 cup cucumber
2 oz of tuna (Costco has the best tuna I have ever tasted-takes like canned chicken!)
2 oz mozzarella cheese
For my daily intake I eat 4 serv of veg, 4 of fruit, 3 protein, 3 starch, 2 dairy, 2 fat
This dinner salad used up 3 veg, 2 fruit, 1 starch, 1/2 protein, 1 dairy
Breakfast usually starts with a fruit, dairy, and protein or starch. Then in between I eat whatever is left.
I crave cookies, chocolate, corn chips, doughnuts
The hardest days for me are Sunday and Monday-when we are used to glutting ourselves on a desert on Sunday and a treat on Monday night.
I have heard from my mom that I should be eating more protein, and read online that I should be eating more carbs-for running. I am loosing weight, but does anyone know more about this? Should I be eating or doing different?
Help from the unknown world is required
ReplyDeleteI talked to my friend about this, she is the one who put me on the diet. She said to increase my protiens from 1 1/2 to 3 and my starch from 2 to 3.
She is about 5 foot tall and she does 2 starch, 2 protien, 3 veg, 3 fru, 2 dairy, and 2 fat.
She told me I for sure shouldn't be eating less than that! She has lost forty lbs, and another of my friends has lost 100. What I like most about this diet, is that it is sustainable- they both do it for life. They are both like 8 years in.