I am so excited about this one!!!! I can't wait to start. But first- How did month 1 go? We rocked it! I love the scriptures. Ever since my big discovery that prayers aren't always answered by flipping open pages, I have been doing so much better! Most of the rest of the month I could have been found studying the saviors life and teachings in the New Testament. I love him more now than I did last month. I didn't really know that was possible. Any way- I think I will continue studying his life and teachings- it can't hurt to continue to know him better right?
For Month 2 I will be starting (drum roll) the New Personal Progress Manual. I am going to go for the virtue bee. Any way- I am so excited. I will let you know how it goes- by the way, did you know it is on the internet now?
Yep there yah go.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I love this experiment!
My daily study has gone wonderfully. I have seen much fruition from it already. I am not sure if this would have happened any way, but I will chalk it up to the old adage "happy wife, happy life". I started studying daily. at some point- maybe a week later Hubbin decided that we needed to raise the bar on our family scripture study. We had been studying from the little scripture readers put out by the church. Hubbin decided that we should go back to the Book of Mormon. He came up with an idea that if we made a chart and finished the Book of Mormon in 1 year, we could do a "scripture fun day". Last week #3 decided that if we read every morning and every night we could get done faster. We put it to a vote, after much discussion during family council, and decided that it would be a good idea. So, on Tuesday morning we started. Our boys get up joyfully eat breakfast and listen to scriptures. Every night before bed we read again. A few weeks ago I spoke with Hubbins sister. Her hubbin is a stake president. She sits with her kids every week alone, she has 5. I asked her how it was. She said great! She just implemented a new motivator. She told me all about it. It has 4 rules. Legs stay quiet, hands stay quiet, mouths stay closed, and you have to be happy. Her kids get 1 warning and 3 chances. 3 scoops of ice cream hang on the balance. With each chance lost, they loose a scoop of ice cream. Great idea right? So Hubbin and I decided we should try it. With m&ms. It is so great!! I love it. the kids are soooooo goood! They love it. No loss of spirit by yelling at kiddos to sit down and be reverent. Win win! I know my personal scripture study has increased the spirit in my home. I have the spirits constant reminder to "Nurture like the savior". Thanks Again Heavenly Father! Oh by the way- I figured out what to do for my October goal- I am excited~
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Learning, ever learning
My whole life I have gone in search of answers to specific questions in a very random manner. I say a prayer that Heavenly Father will bless me to find the answers I am seeking. I then open the scriptures, and whatever page I fall on, I read. How I ever came up with this method of answer searching I do not know. But now I have decided that it must stop! The other morning I was praying that I could understand a little better how to help one of my sons. I randomly opened to a story in Alma where the Nephites and the Lamenites are waring and the Lamenites are seeking revenge. Yep, not exactly the answer I was looking for. So, I prayed again, and I was reminded how Joseph F. Smith was reflecting on the atonement when he was given section 138 of the Doctrine and Covenants. So I started "reflecting" on the Savior. I was then reminded again of Sister Becks talk- when she talks about mothers "nurturing as Christ nurtured". I started thinking about how Christ nurtured. What a lovely thing to think about! It really has helped me to be more patient with my children and to instantly repent when I speak to gruffly with them. I want to nurture as Christ did.
Now segueing -I asked my sister in law how she thought Christ nurtured. She said, "Feed the Hungary and clothe the naked". I got a good giggle out of that. She asked why I was laughing so I told her she was right! and that it was just a funny image. She then went on to say, not only should we feed our children when they are humgry, but we should be happy to do it, because it is our job. And when our children wet their pants, we should not be cross with them, but happy to get them in to clean dry clothes. Oh my sweet Sheri with so much insight and wisdom- thanks for putting up with me, my questions, and thanks for being my sister in law! I love you!
Thanks Heavenly Father for letting me know one of your very own elect ladies!
I am sure I will learn much more, but my family and I are already benefiting greatly from my goal to spend a little time in the scriptures daily with pen and paper near by.
My whole life I have gone in search of answers to specific questions in a very random manner. I say a prayer that Heavenly Father will bless me to find the answers I am seeking. I then open the scriptures, and whatever page I fall on, I read. How I ever came up with this method of answer searching I do not know. But now I have decided that it must stop! The other morning I was praying that I could understand a little better how to help one of my sons. I randomly opened to a story in Alma where the Nephites and the Lamenites are waring and the Lamenites are seeking revenge. Yep, not exactly the answer I was looking for. So, I prayed again, and I was reminded how Joseph F. Smith was reflecting on the atonement when he was given section 138 of the Doctrine and Covenants. So I started "reflecting" on the Savior. I was then reminded again of Sister Becks talk- when she talks about mothers "nurturing as Christ nurtured". I started thinking about how Christ nurtured. What a lovely thing to think about! It really has helped me to be more patient with my children and to instantly repent when I speak to gruffly with them. I want to nurture as Christ did.
Now segueing -I asked my sister in law how she thought Christ nurtured. She said, "Feed the Hungary and clothe the naked". I got a good giggle out of that. She asked why I was laughing so I told her she was right! and that it was just a funny image. She then went on to say, not only should we feed our children when they are humgry, but we should be happy to do it, because it is our job. And when our children wet their pants, we should not be cross with them, but happy to get them in to clean dry clothes. Oh my sweet Sheri with so much insight and wisdom- thanks for putting up with me, my questions, and thanks for being my sister in law! I love you!
Thanks Heavenly Father for letting me know one of your very own elect ladies!
I am sure I will learn much more, but my family and I are already benefiting greatly from my goal to spend a little time in the scriptures daily with pen and paper near by.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Month 1
During this first month, I will "spend some time in the scriptures daily" With pen and paper near by. A lot of times I have said, I don't know where to fit it all in. So, I have decided. Every time I have the urge to "jump on facebook" I will sit down and read a scripture or two. The last three days this has led to some pretty exciting study in faith. Galatians, Alma, and the references from Sister Becks April 2010 conference talk. Loving the study time-and the extra cleaning time. It also comes as perfect timing, as my oldest two have gone to school. Now life is care free! :) So this months training program * spending a little time in the scriptures, will go through October 14th. On October 14th, I will add something else on, continuing to follow the daily scripture routine. I am really excited about this. It is so similar to a marathon training program, where you add a little at a time. With the blogging aspect, I hope to add accountability and hopefully inspire others to improve as well!
During this month I will ponder on what to work on next month. There are so many things to choose from. I am considering things like doing a daily general house cleaning, a four day a week exercise program, weekly temple attendance, 1/2 hour of scheduled "date" time spent with each child daily, some time playing an instrument, etc. So like the title says, there will be 12 things that I make habit during the following year. I will probably blog about it once at the beginning of the month and once at the end- and only during the month if I find the goal needs tweaking.
Here I go, My 12 month make over experience.
During this month I will ponder on what to work on next month. There are so many things to choose from. I am considering things like doing a daily general house cleaning, a four day a week exercise program, weekly temple attendance, 1/2 hour of scheduled "date" time spent with each child daily, some time playing an instrument, etc. So like the title says, there will be 12 things that I make habit during the following year. I will probably blog about it once at the beginning of the month and once at the end- and only during the month if I find the goal needs tweaking.
Here I go, My 12 month make over experience.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
I finished!
I am done but I can't find my camera cord. I will upload pictures later, but I am a marathoner!
Monday, May 17, 2010
I am getting excited. I have registered for the race. I have made a reservation for a great place to stay. I have completed the training. I am sleeping, drinking tons, and carb loading this week. Marathon week, it is surreal, but I am so glad your finally here!
This video is a basically what I have done- enjoy.
I am getting excited. I have registered for the race. I have made a reservation for a great place to stay. I have completed the training. I am sleeping, drinking tons, and carb loading this week. Marathon week, it is surreal, but I am so glad your finally here!
This video is a basically what I have done- enjoy.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
8 miles
I ran a great 8 miler today. I felt so strong. All of the flowering trees are in bloom and between that and the fresh rain, my senses were delighted. I smiled a big toothy smile for most of the run, which ultimately led to me eating one or two bugs, but I couldn't help it- I felt great and I felt happy.
Thanks for the occasionally beautiful Vistas! Love you
I ran a great 8 miler today. I felt so strong. All of the flowering trees are in bloom and between that and the fresh rain, my senses were delighted. I smiled a big toothy smile for most of the run, which ultimately led to me eating one or two bugs, but I couldn't help it- I felt great and I felt happy.
Thanks for the occasionally beautiful Vistas! Love you
Sunday, April 25, 2010
First 18 miler
I did it. I ran the very farthest I have to run in my pre-marathon training program. I ran 18 miles, In the pouring rain! Wahoo! 18 next week, 9 the week after, and 8 after that- then I get to run a marathon. Let me tell you 9 and 8 miles seem like a cake walk! I lost 1 lb too :) I am not dieting right now- because I always feel hungry. So, I am not to worried about it at this point. I guess it is just a benefit of running long distances. Tom keeps saying I look trim :) 39 lbs. left.
I did it. I ran the very farthest I have to run in my pre-marathon training program. I ran 18 miles, In the pouring rain! Wahoo! 18 next week, 9 the week after, and 8 after that- then I get to run a marathon. Let me tell you 9 and 8 miles seem like a cake walk! I lost 1 lb too :) I am not dieting right now- because I always feel hungry. So, I am not to worried about it at this point. I guess it is just a benefit of running long distances. Tom keeps saying I look trim :) 39 lbs. left.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Senior prom Dress fits!
This was a lot of work! But my senior prom dress fits.
I had a set back today that may mean I don't get to run the marathon. I see a specialist on Thursday. If I get to keep running I plan on doing the 26.1 miles on Saturday next week. I am going to do that on my own- no race-just me and my ipod. I know I can do it at this point I don't want to waste any more time. Or sustain any more injuries. Marathoning is serious business and pretty hard on my body. I am done with it- I would like to run the 26 miles and be done. Any way its been a fun journey I will let you all know how it ends.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
First 16 mile run
This was a long run!! But I did it. My legs hurt, I was physically spent- but I did it. Woo~ I have 2 more 16 milers and 2 more 18 milers, then I taper down for 2 weeks before the marathon. I can't believe I am at this point. It feels so nice to know that I am working toward a goal I started just less than 13 months ago. I am still actively pursuing it. It has changed my life. Thank You Heavenly Father for the goal.
Stamina-16.2 miles
weight loss- 24 lbs since feb, 54 lbs in 13 months.
speed- from 13 minute miles-11 minute miles consistently
Last night when I was on the last 3/4 of a mile. I was tired and sore. I was drained. I kept thinking when I got to the half mile point I would just walk. Then I saw what looked like our car coming down the road. Sure enough in about 30 seconds My sweet boys came to cheer me on. They drove by yelling out the window "Go Mom!" "Moms a marathoner" "you can do it!" "yeah Mom!". Then they drove up the stree t and turned around- to yell for me again. They went home and parked- got out of the car and ran to meet me for the last 50 yards they ran with me. I love my boys! Nearly every day they say "mommies a marathoner". I love my Family!! Thanks for being so supportive daddy and boys. I love you.
This was a long run!! But I did it. My legs hurt, I was physically spent- but I did it. Woo~ I have 2 more 16 milers and 2 more 18 milers, then I taper down for 2 weeks before the marathon. I can't believe I am at this point. It feels so nice to know that I am working toward a goal I started just less than 13 months ago. I am still actively pursuing it. It has changed my life. Thank You Heavenly Father for the goal.
Stamina-16.2 miles
weight loss- 24 lbs since feb, 54 lbs in 13 months.
speed- from 13 minute miles-11 minute miles consistently
Last night when I was on the last 3/4 of a mile. I was tired and sore. I was drained. I kept thinking when I got to the half mile point I would just walk. Then I saw what looked like our car coming down the road. Sure enough in about 30 seconds My sweet boys came to cheer me on. They drove by yelling out the window "Go Mom!" "Moms a marathoner" "you can do it!" "yeah Mom!". Then they drove up the stree t and turned around- to yell for me again. They went home and parked- got out of the car and ran to meet me for the last 50 yards they ran with me. I love my boys! Nearly every day they say "mommies a marathoner". I love my Family!! Thanks for being so supportive daddy and boys. I love you.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
"I am a Marathoner"
Before I ran my 10 miler, I read a chapter in my Marathon book. In there, it suggests that you tell people you are a marathoner. Not that you are training for a marathon, but that you are a marathoner. I am a marathoner. When the weather is cold and I want to crawl back in bed with my sweet comfortable husband, I tell myself- "I am a marathoner". When Mile 11 is coming and you have more to go and your legs are burning- you say "I am a marathoner". This week it was bitter cold outside. I mean like with the wind chill it was 15 degrees. I took off for my run at 5:30 am. I planned to go 6 miles. I started running and felt the distinct feeling that I should turn around and put some more clothes on. I didn't at about 1/2 a mile I ran past another runner she had a ski coat- snow pants, hat, gloves, face warmer. I had on a long sleeve t-shirt and long running pants, and gloves. I wished at that point that I was dressed like her. I got up next to the temple- about 1 1/2 miles, and I could not go a step farther. But, "I am a marathoner" I have to go farther. And then it hit me. I am a marathoner, so if I don't make this run I will be fine. I am mentally a marathoner. If my run was tomorrow- even though I am only up to 14 miles-I think I could do it. I would be surprised if I couldn't! In training I only go up another 4 miles. So before the race I only run 18 miles. Wow! that is so close! I am a marathoner. And a sick one at that. Fever and all tomorrow I will go run my 5 miles with a smile on my face and 2 months till Fargo, because I am a marathoner!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
More of the diet

so I never knew that three cups of salad was a serving size did you?
So have you ever eaten 3 c. salad-it is almost as large as a medium sized mixing bowl.
This is one of my favorite things to eat because it is so much food!
The salad in this picture has
3 cups lettuce
1/2 c kidney beans
1 carrot
3/4 c mandarin oranges
2tbs raisins
1 cup cucumber
2 oz of tuna (Costco has the best tuna I have ever tasted-takes like canned chicken!)
2 oz mozzarella cheese
For my daily intake I eat 4 serv of veg, 4 of fruit, 3 protein, 3 starch, 2 dairy, 2 fat
This dinner salad used up 3 veg, 2 fruit, 1 starch, 1/2 protein, 1 dairy
Breakfast usually starts with a fruit, dairy, and protein or starch. Then in between I eat whatever is left.
I crave cookies, chocolate, corn chips, doughnuts
The hardest days for me are Sunday and Monday-when we are used to glutting ourselves on a desert on Sunday and a treat on Monday night.
I have heard from my mom that I should be eating more protein, and read online that I should be eating more carbs-for running. I am loosing weight, but does anyone know more about this? Should I be eating or doing different?
Help from the unknown world is required
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
A sample of my diet
1 cup berries
1/2 c cooked wheat
1 oz almonds
2/3 c milk
2 oz cheese
3 c lettuce
2 tsp salad Dressing
1 c peas
1 carrot
3c lettuce
2tbs raisins
3/4 c mandarin oranges
1/3 kidney beans
2 oz tuna
10 olives
1/3 c milk
1 cup berries
1/2 c cooked wheat
1 oz almonds
2/3 c milk
2 oz cheese
3 c lettuce
2 tsp salad Dressing
1 c peas
1 carrot
3c lettuce
2tbs raisins
3/4 c mandarin oranges
1/3 kidney beans
2 oz tuna
10 olives
1/3 c milk
Its time to be big and get into a race. I have put it off long enough. Now I really need to focus. I am looking for a Saturday race either the 5th of June or Friday the 11th.
It can be in the Midwest or Idaho/UT.
Yep that's the parameters. So, there are 2. I will either be running in South Bend Indiana-the 5th or Bear Lake area ID-UT-the 11th. I have a wedding to go to in Idaho on the 12th. I will stay in ID until after little sis has a baby and then head back to the Midwest.
When I get home, I will be on to the next big adventure. We will be looking forward to adding little one number 5 to the family. (this is not an announcement-just a plan) no addition until at least what March or April of 2011. Big month in our family!
Now for training. It is still going well. I actually sprinted nearly a quarter mile yesterday and today. Sure cuts time off the training! I get so bored running around the gym, that when I have 10 laps left I can hardly wait to get out of there. I sure wish there was more time in the day!
I am still loosing weight. I run 5,6,7, or 8 miles this week. Depending on what I decide in the end. I wish there was a marathoners diet for overweight people training for the marathon.
On a positive note- I fit back into my junior prom dress-2 weeks ago and my wedding dress last week. Now for my senior prom dress. If I fit back into that I will be wearing it on vacation-even if the formal night is cocktail attire.
I realised today that the local marathon I am training for was on Sunday-major let down. I just can not run on the Lords day! Even though everything else about this marathon screams pick me! Oh well. So like I said- I may have 2 or 1 to choose from. I waiting to hear from the Bear Lake marathon-I am hoping they will let me run it. If not I will travel to south bend- Land of Rudy Rudiger.
So thats the plan- and I am stuck with it.
Happy Running.
Its time to be big and get into a race. I have put it off long enough. Now I really need to focus. I am looking for a Saturday race either the 5th of June or Friday the 11th.
It can be in the Midwest or Idaho/UT.
Yep that's the parameters. So, there are 2. I will either be running in South Bend Indiana-the 5th or Bear Lake area ID-UT-the 11th. I have a wedding to go to in Idaho on the 12th. I will stay in ID until after little sis has a baby and then head back to the Midwest.
When I get home, I will be on to the next big adventure. We will be looking forward to adding little one number 5 to the family. (this is not an announcement-just a plan) no addition until at least what March or April of 2011. Big month in our family!
Now for training. It is still going well. I actually sprinted nearly a quarter mile yesterday and today. Sure cuts time off the training! I get so bored running around the gym, that when I have 10 laps left I can hardly wait to get out of there. I sure wish there was more time in the day!
I am still loosing weight. I run 5,6,7, or 8 miles this week. Depending on what I decide in the end. I wish there was a marathoners diet for overweight people training for the marathon.
On a positive note- I fit back into my junior prom dress-2 weeks ago and my wedding dress last week. Now for my senior prom dress. If I fit back into that I will be wearing it on vacation-even if the formal night is cocktail attire.
I realised today that the local marathon I am training for was on Sunday-major let down. I just can not run on the Lords day! Even though everything else about this marathon screams pick me! Oh well. So like I said- I may have 2 or 1 to choose from. I waiting to hear from the Bear Lake marathon-I am hoping they will let me run it. If not I will travel to south bend- Land of Rudy Rudiger.
So thats the plan- and I am stuck with it.
Happy Running.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Time to blog again
Still running-now dieting too. Lost 10 lbs. No diet today- baklava, birthday cake, hot dog, frozen yogurt from Costco, and 1 1/2 protien bars. Holy smokes I feel full!
I don't think I will need to eat for the rest of the night. Oh well back on the diet tomorrow. No real harm done.
Starting to thaw- I am sure I will be running outside by next week wahoo!
I don't think I will need to eat for the rest of the night. Oh well back on the diet tomorrow. No real harm done.
Starting to thaw- I am sure I will be running outside by next week wahoo!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Still Running
I still run daily, still running my 3 miles. Cant wait till I can get outside. Still doing the 10 minute miles. Funny to think that I run at least a 5K everyday. The Human Body is such a miraculous machine!
I had someone ask me the other day how I was doing on my goals. I'm still running was my reply. I have a love hate relationship with running. I hate that Everything hurts, I am not very good at it, My feet are big, I am 55 lbs overweight. The turns in the church gym seem endless. I love that despite all of these things I run, it is free, I can push myself as hard as I choose, in some small way I am honoring Heavenly Father by using the body that he has given me.
So, though I am not dwelling on the hard things- I do want to mention them, because if you are going to try a marathon you don't want to go into it thinking there are no challenges.
"You are what you eat" This may be cliche, but it is true. If I eat junk the day before I run like junk the following day. You may as well throw the sweets, chips, fats, fries, burgers, ice cream (you get the idea)away. You can not run on those empty calories-not for a sustained period of time. FYI 3 cups of green salad with out any thing on top is 20 calories- have you ever tried to eat that much salad? Add light dressing-90 calories. Apple-40 calories very filling and sweet, Lindt truffle 200 calories. 1 cup low fat plain yogurt, 1 cup fruit(berries), 1/3c granola about 300 calories-totally curbs my sweet tooth fills me up and helps me feel like I am not depriving myself. Don't forget importance of proteins, carbs, and fats. Educate your self! You need all the healthy calories you can get.
Give your self goals to hit. When I look at the clock I say I have five minutes to run 10 (1/2 mile) laps. I like the 5 minute timer- because its to easy to get overwhelmed by 20 laps and 10 minutes for me. If I just try to run a 10 minute mile with out a timer, I normally make it in about 12. So the clock helps me measure my success.
Shoes are essential. Because I have been turning corners for a month I am going to have to get some new shoes soon. I hate to do it, and burn through another pair before I even get out to run, but I just can't afford a stupid injury.
Rest is essential. Sleep and giving your body days to recoup. If I don't get 8 hours, I don't run well. It usually hits me by about day 4. And it takes about 4 days of good sleep to get back the stamina I lost. The training guide I use has me run 2 days rest 1 day run 1 day rest 1 day run long run 1 day rest 1.
I like it! I love feeling like- just make it through today and tomorrow I can rest. Just make it 30 40 50 minutes and I can take a break till Thursday.
Everyone says don't miss your long runs. I have found that once I do a long run-as slowly as I choose, I have more strength to run the shorter runs faster. Which leave me running the next weeks long run faster-even though the distance has increased.
Injuries that you don't have to worry about-side stitch, Pain around knee cap, sore feet, sore back, basically any sore areas will heal and get stronger. Shooting pains or sharp pains need attention, like shin splints or anything that feels like a shin splint in any part of your body. Some times pains come from improper shoe fit, or lack of stretching warm up and cool down. If you want to be a runner think like a runner. Which means read books, and talk with other runners. Education is power even in running.
When you walk your body receives twice the force that it does when your standing, but when you run it receives 7 times the force. That take a large toll on your body. Give your body the time it needs to preform the way you want it to.
So now my mileage is up to 3-4-3-6, 16 miles a week. I plan on maintaining this for about 2 more weeks. Then I will have a little more time to run in the mornings. I want to get good and strong. No injuries this time!
I had someone ask me the other day how I was doing on my goals. I'm still running was my reply. I have a love hate relationship with running. I hate that Everything hurts, I am not very good at it, My feet are big, I am 55 lbs overweight. The turns in the church gym seem endless. I love that despite all of these things I run, it is free, I can push myself as hard as I choose, in some small way I am honoring Heavenly Father by using the body that he has given me.
So, though I am not dwelling on the hard things- I do want to mention them, because if you are going to try a marathon you don't want to go into it thinking there are no challenges.
"You are what you eat" This may be cliche, but it is true. If I eat junk the day before I run like junk the following day. You may as well throw the sweets, chips, fats, fries, burgers, ice cream (you get the idea)away. You can not run on those empty calories-not for a sustained period of time. FYI 3 cups of green salad with out any thing on top is 20 calories- have you ever tried to eat that much salad? Add light dressing-90 calories. Apple-40 calories very filling and sweet, Lindt truffle 200 calories. 1 cup low fat plain yogurt, 1 cup fruit(berries), 1/3c granola about 300 calories-totally curbs my sweet tooth fills me up and helps me feel like I am not depriving myself. Don't forget importance of proteins, carbs, and fats. Educate your self! You need all the healthy calories you can get.
Give your self goals to hit. When I look at the clock I say I have five minutes to run 10 (1/2 mile) laps. I like the 5 minute timer- because its to easy to get overwhelmed by 20 laps and 10 minutes for me. If I just try to run a 10 minute mile with out a timer, I normally make it in about 12. So the clock helps me measure my success.
Shoes are essential. Because I have been turning corners for a month I am going to have to get some new shoes soon. I hate to do it, and burn through another pair before I even get out to run, but I just can't afford a stupid injury.
Rest is essential. Sleep and giving your body days to recoup. If I don't get 8 hours, I don't run well. It usually hits me by about day 4. And it takes about 4 days of good sleep to get back the stamina I lost. The training guide I use has me run 2 days rest 1 day run 1 day rest 1 day run long run 1 day rest 1.
I like it! I love feeling like- just make it through today and tomorrow I can rest. Just make it 30 40 50 minutes and I can take a break till Thursday.
Everyone says don't miss your long runs. I have found that once I do a long run-as slowly as I choose, I have more strength to run the shorter runs faster. Which leave me running the next weeks long run faster-even though the distance has increased.
Injuries that you don't have to worry about-side stitch, Pain around knee cap, sore feet, sore back, basically any sore areas will heal and get stronger. Shooting pains or sharp pains need attention, like shin splints or anything that feels like a shin splint in any part of your body. Some times pains come from improper shoe fit, or lack of stretching warm up and cool down. If you want to be a runner think like a runner. Which means read books, and talk with other runners. Education is power even in running.
When you walk your body receives twice the force that it does when your standing, but when you run it receives 7 times the force. That take a large toll on your body. Give your body the time it needs to preform the way you want it to.
So now my mileage is up to 3-4-3-6, 16 miles a week. I plan on maintaining this for about 2 more weeks. Then I will have a little more time to run in the mornings. I want to get good and strong. No injuries this time!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Week update
Again I have been running- I can't really get out of it- so I go :)
It has been really good
Because I don't have as much time, I have really been working on getting my time down. I can consistently run 10 minute miles now. So, I can get my 3 mile run done in 1/2 hour. 6 miles in 1 hour ect. This is really good for me! I am happy with the way my body is preforming. At the end of every mile I tell my body good job, and give myself a drink.
I did run an 8 minute mile this week, but I totally exhausted myself, and I had to walk for the rest of the time. So if I continue with 10 minute miles I can finish in 4 hours and 20 minutes. My favorite contestant of all time on Biggest looser is Tara, and she did it in just short of 5 hours. I would be happy with any time between those two. However if I shave another 40 minutes off my time I could always run the Boston marathon later...hmmm
40 minutes is...
9 min would be 26
so 8 would be 52
So if I ran some where between 8 and 9 I could do it
8 minute mile did me in
maybe this is a goal for a different marathon
Though I can't afford to run too many
Thoughts to think. I feel that familiar knot in my stomach that comes when I am about to set a ridiculous goal. :)
It has been really good
Because I don't have as much time, I have really been working on getting my time down. I can consistently run 10 minute miles now. So, I can get my 3 mile run done in 1/2 hour. 6 miles in 1 hour ect. This is really good for me! I am happy with the way my body is preforming. At the end of every mile I tell my body good job, and give myself a drink.
I did run an 8 minute mile this week, but I totally exhausted myself, and I had to walk for the rest of the time. So if I continue with 10 minute miles I can finish in 4 hours and 20 minutes. My favorite contestant of all time on Biggest looser is Tara, and she did it in just short of 5 hours. I would be happy with any time between those two. However if I shave another 40 minutes off my time I could always run the Boston marathon later...hmmm
40 minutes is...
9 min would be 26
so 8 would be 52
So if I ran some where between 8 and 9 I could do it
8 minute mile did me in
maybe this is a goal for a different marathon
Though I can't afford to run too many
Thoughts to think. I feel that familiar knot in my stomach that comes when I am about to set a ridiculous goal. :)
Monday, January 18, 2010
Yes, I have been running-just not blogging
Wow, OK, so I have run every day- and I am seeing good results. I ran 6 miles for my long run on Saturday and there was a family playing at the church- while their mom organized a closet. They all started running with me, when they got bored playing tennis. Also I have had 2 other moms join me, while seminary is going on. It is fun to run and fun to help others think it is fun. Hyrum ran about a 1/2 mile with me the other day. He didn't even seem winded! I think we will go the gym tonight and play soccer while I run.
Oh Happy day!
Oh Happy day!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Snow Day!
Yeah for winter. Today was a snow day so seminary was canceled. Lucky it was also on my rest day and since I have my long run tomorrow I intend to rest today! I slept in and everything.
Something nice about running at the church is that I stop and take a drink after every mile-no side stitches! Also I have been eating breakfast before I go. Without side stitch. Good Stuff
Something nice about running at the church is that I stop and take a drink after every mile-no side stitches! Also I have been eating breakfast before I go. Without side stitch. Good Stuff
Great I ran my obligitory 3 miles. I did it in 40 minutes. I know that doesn't seem great, but it is back to my 13 minute miles. Now I would like to get it down to 10 so I could run 4 miles during seminary.
Pilates with a crowd
OK-Wednesday was a rest day-but with the obligation of being at the church I decided to do a Pilates video. I do not even do this in front of Tom-so what was I thinking? I don't know! I didn't have anyone come on Monday or Tuesday- so I just assumed no one on Wednesday right? wrong two walkers. So yes I put my spandexed bumm in the air for all to see. I did work out a little harder-trying to look a little less sloppy with posses. Ah pride. I tried to maintain composure though I was totally embarassed for 40 minutes. OH well!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Running backwards
Today I ran again-but I was pretty sore going around the gym-then it hit me Run the other direction. So though it felt awkward I went left instead of right and I am glad I did-instantly no soreness. I also did some ladders today to try and build speed. If I can get up to 4 miles during seminary I will feel pretty great.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Back on!
OK so running is back on. The holidays are over and Tom is done with the stressful time at work, until this summer. So- I decided to schedule a small group activity at the church during Seminary. Not for the faint of heart. I pick a couple kids up at 6:10 and take the to Seminary, then while they are learning I run and Run and RUN! I have to figure out my timing- because they go from 6:15 to 6:50. I only got about 2 and 3/4 miles in today-55 laps :)(Church Gym) Let me tell you-your mind can go a million places during 55 laps. However, I haven't decided the best way to keep track of my laps yet. But oh it feels good to run again. And I was really surprised that I could still run that far. Oh What wonderful stuff our bodies are made of!
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